We care about Lawrence, its people and its businesses.
Knowing the culture of a community ultimately influences where entrepreneurs and the workforce choose to live, work and play, The Chamber has made it a priority to engage the community through meaningful and relevant programs, events and business support that enhance the quality of life in Lawrence and Douglas County. Chamber staff serve on boards for local non-profits, attend fundraisers and belong to multiple civic and business organizations. Lawrence and Douglas County is our home and we’re focused on giving back.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Creating an inclusive environment that engages individuals that reflect the full spectrum of our city strengthens our organization and is key to the success of Lawrence as a community. Get resources for your business and learn about our DEI Committee.

The Chamber supports local entrepreneurs in a variety of ways, including making connections, funding and guidance. Contintually ranked as a great community for startups and recent graduates, we’re committed to supporting our startups however they need to ensure a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The Chamber is dedicated to advocating for Lawrence and Douglas County on issues that matter to its citizens and its businesses. From workforce training to criminal justice reform, see the topics we’re focused on at the local, state and federal level.

Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
Visit Us
718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Contact Info
(785) 865-4411
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