Creating an inclusive environment that engages individuals that reflect the full spectrum of our city strengthens our organization and is key to the success of Lawrence as a community.
As an advocate of the Lawrence business community, The Chamber of Lawrence recognizes that addressing diversity, equity and inclusion in our city is fundamental to growth and sustainability for all citizens. The Chamber established a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee to ensure equitable input as we create a commitment to our community in regard to these long-standing issues.
DEI Resources for Businesses & Organizations
5 DEI Steps Your Business Can Start Today
Have open & honest conversations.
Your employees may be struggling, and it may be uncomfortable to have a conversation about racism and equity. However, people won’t become more comfortable having conversations about race if we aren’t willing to be uncomfortable in the process. Think about bringing in external facilitators or consultants to support the conversation.
Share a variety of resources about racial equity with your team.
We’re talking books, podcasts, documentaries or articles. Maybe you purchase each staff member a book on a topic related to racial inequity. Hold periodic meetings to discuss and exchange the books, ideas, and resources they have discovered and encourage self-education.
- Find out your implicit associations about about race, gender, sexual orientation, and other topics from Harvard’s Project Implicit.
- A list of books, films and podcasts from NPR’s Codeswitch podcast
- Films, videos and podcasts recommended by the University of Berkeley
- Do the work: an anti-racist reading list
Provide DEI training for leadership & staff.
Training will not solve systemic racism, but it is a start to creating a culture that supports equity and inclusion. Topics might include implicit bias, microaggressions, lessons on historic policies that have contributed to current inequities, or other topics.
Think about where you can lead efforts and when you should support.
Businesses are natural conveners and leaders, but you don’t have to be at the center of every conversation. Identify community partners and others who are already embedded in this work. Sometimes you can lead, but also know when to listen.
Be honest about your organization's history.
Racial Equity Institute
Racial Equity Tools
The Business Case for DEI
Native Governance Center
LGBTQ Inclusion
Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
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718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
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(785) 865-4411
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