The Chamber is the voice of business.

The Chamber identifies issues that affect Lawrence and mobilizes efforts toward solving those issues through civic engagement. The Chamber advocates for solutions to those issues through education and civic engagement among businesses, non-profit organizations and government.

Advocacy is just one of our member benefits. View our 2025 Legislative Priorities here.

Interested in getting an inside look at our advocacy efforts? Join our Government & Community Affairs Committee, which includes a mailing list and monthly luncheon! Email Janci Mullen to get started.

METL Coalition

METL is a regional coalition of the Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka, and Lawrence Chambers of Commerce, which seeks to leverage the combined strength of nearly 3,000 member businesses and organizations, represented by 30 elected representatives and senators in our region.

Legislative Priorities

At the end of each calendar year, The Chamber sets its legislative priorities at the state and federal level. With the help of the Public Policy Task Force, comprised of a group of Chamber members interested in government and communities affairs, and using guiding principles for advocacy and policy evaluation, The Chamber creates its priorities for the upcoming year.

Government & Community Affairs

The Government & Community Affairs Committee meets the second Wednesday of each month over lunch. The group is open to any Chamber member and features speakers on a variety of topics, ranging from voting and elections to affordable housing and economic development.
Lawrence Kansas

The Chamber

Visit Us

718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044

Contact Info
(785) 865-4411

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Chamber of Lawrence

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