Your message on Chamber channels
The Chamber can do a LOT for your business. Know your benefits! You get an enhanced online listing, a free video profile, one free e-blast to use within a year, access to marketing and event sponsorship opportunities. Take advantage of all we have to offer because the more you put into The Chamber, the more you and your business will get out of it.
One of The Chamber’s most popular marketing vehicles is our e-blast. One dedicated email message can help you communicate a survey, invitation, announcement, or any other message from your business to more than 1,500 of Lawrence’s most influential business leaders and decision makers.
You design the message and we distribute it to our database of Chamber members. E-Blasts from The Chamber garner open rates well above industry average. You can also request to receive a detailed analytics report after each distribution.
New members get one free to use within the first year of their membership, a $250 value!
All E-Blasts must be scheduled at least 14 days in advance of the requested date. Special requests will be handled based on availability.
Requirements for an E-Blast:
– JPEG format, no wider than 650 pixels at 72dpi
– Text as it should be displayed on email “Subject” line
– URL to which message should be linked (if desired)
– Name as it should appear on email “From” line
*We are unable to distribute files not meeting these requirements. Reformatting and staff design time will result in an added $50 service fee.
Note: All materials should be positive in nature. The Chamber has the right to refuse any advertisement not consistent with The Chamber’s message. The Chamber reserves the right to edit or not accept E-Blasts as submitted.
E-Blasts are just $250 each. Have multiple messages? Consider the value of our 3-fer package for $600.
Advertise in our most opened regular email! Chamber Matters goes to our entire mailing list every other week and boasts an open rate way higher than the industry average. Reserve your space today!
Top Line Ad
Starting at $100
Medium Ad
250×400 px
Starting at $50
Medium Ad
250×400 px
Starting at $50
Who doesn’t love getting mail? Reach our members with our mailing list and a bunch of stamps. We’ll even segment the list for you.
Full list – $150
Non-profit rate – $100
Segmented – $50
All rates are for a one-time use. Signed agreement and payment required before list is provided.
The Chamber’s Signature Events range from #ChamberProm to an outing on the links, a sampling of Lawrence restaurants to the classic B2B showcase. Our wide variety of events gives your business plenty of opportunities to enjoy marketing benefits at a variety of prices, make connections with your fellow Chamber members and make friends while you’re at it.
E-blast Examples

Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
Visit Us
718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Contact Info
(785) 865-4411
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