Advocating for Lawrence
At the end of each calendar year, The Chamber sets its legislative priorities at the state and federal level. With the help of the Public Policy Task Force, comprised of a group of Chamber members interested in government and communities affairs, and using guiding principles for advocacy and policy evaluation, The Chamber creates its priorities for the upcoming year.
Partner Priorities
Click on each partner logo to see their current legislative priorities.
METL is a regional coalition of the Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka, and Lawrence Chambers of Commerce, which seeks to leverage the combined strength of nearly 3,000 member businesses and organizations, represented by 30 elected representatives and senators in our region. Our motto is Stronger Together. METL pledges to work side-by-side with state officials and elected representatives to maintain fiscal responsibility while helping lead economic recovery efforts in our communities and throughout the state.

Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
Visit Us
718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
Contact Info
(785) 865-4411
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